Coco Chanel once said “A woman should be two things: who and what she wants”
Human civilization has certainly progressed in the past 100 years and despite improvements in gender equality we still see an imbalance when it comes to the way women are treated and perceived in all aspects of life.
International Women’s Day is an opportunity for the world to unite and celebrate all that is amazing about women, and to campaign and strive for a day when there will no longer be and gender hierarchy.
On the week that IWD falls we couldn’t have had a better guest on the podcast than Emma Downey of Emma Downey Marketing Consultancy, and founder of Women Who Do.
Emma talks about the work she does at Women Who Do and how it is an opportunity for woman of all walks of life to come together to share their experiences and create a support network in their area.
As a marketing consultant, Emma also shares her thoughts on social media and how it is important to stay genuine in your own brand.